There are 163 million orphans in the world, of which only a tiny fraction will ever be adopted. We have to make their lives work where they are. This project benefits orphans worldwide through organizations you choose. | Schools and youth organizations around the world will design their own superheros. You can do it as a contest or a collaboration. RandomKid will turn your winning design into an earth-friendly bamboo or organic t-shirt that you can sell within your school and larger community. Each super hero created and sold as a t-shirt to benefit orphans will be entered into a national contest, and the winning super hero design will be provided to a celebrity yet-to-be-named. What you may not know is that Spiderman, Superman and Batman are all super heros who were orphaned, making this a fitting theme. All super hero designs collected by RandomKid will be turned into collectible iron-ons and downloadable badges. Email SuperHeroProject@randomkid.org to learn more. | With the funds raised you will be able to help fund health centers, toy libraries, and education programs for orphans around the world. RandomKid will help you select your area of impact, and what you want to help provide with your funds. In addition to designing a hero, you will also BE a hero, because real life super heros are people like you who make the world better for those who need it most. |
Every city has it's historic areas that could use a little sprucing up, be it a new sign, a coat of paint, a mural, repaired brick, better lighting, etc. By investing in one's historic areas, youth can build stronger relationships with their communities. | In this project, youth raise money for small gentrification projects by charging a modest admission fee to an event at their local community graveyard. At the event, youth stand next to the gravestones of deceased community members and tell their stories by researching them and dressing up like them.To find out more, email Graveyard@randomkid.org | Youth learn about their community's past by researching historic areas and surveying needs, along with researching community members that preceded them and learning who they were and about their contributions to their city. By learning about your past, you learn more about yourselves. | |||||
Developing nations lack access to renewable energy resources relying on sparce and dirty fuels that make them ill. With safe renewable energy, people are healthier, industries grow, internet connections happen, children study longer, and walking at night is safe. | You can work with RandomKid to brand your own solar products, from flashlights to solar LED-lit keychains. RandomKid will provide everything you need, and cover the upfront costs. The funds you raise will be used to provide solar and other renewable solutions to villages in the developing world. This project was started by children with Autism in St. Louis. Contact energy@randomkid.org for more info. | You will be bringing renewable energy sources to your community and the world-- making your own personal dent in world development and green energy. It's a project that benefits everyone, everywhere. | |||||
The amount of oil used annually to produce single-use water bottles is enough to fuel 1.5 million cars for a year. 80% of those bottles-- 38 billion-- end up in landfills where it takes a thousand years to decompose into toxins. The carbon footprint for this whole process is unconscionable. | Across the nation youth are working to replace single-use bottles with a safe reusable bottle that can be rolled up and put in your pocket. RandomKid is covering the upfront costs, and will work with youth to design their own tags for the bottles that tell their story of hope for the world. Join the movement that can change how we think about our natural resources here at home and around the globe. This project was started by youth in Florida. Learn more. | Through this single act you can reduce oil dependency, eliminate future landfill waste and reduce our carbon footprint. If that's not enough, you can use proceeds from your sales to provide safe water wells to the world or install green technologies into your schools, including water filling stations for your bottles. | |||||
Every community has their local summer camps for children who either can not afford regular camps, or have special needs that require specialized camp services. In this project, youth donate used art supplies to distribute to these camps. |
This project is about collections. On the last day of school, when used supplies are returned making backpacks stuffed to the brim, youth will offer up a contribution from their backpacks as their ticket out of school. Be it half-used colored pencils, markers, pens, pencils, paper, glue, scissors, paint, stickers, or something we haven't thought of, they will make a difference for children who will enjoy these crafty supplies. Contact Ticket@randomkid.org for more info. *Other needed items include outgrown games, legos, outgrown sport supplies (like soccer balls), little toys (like the ones fast food restaurants give out, matchbox cars, actions figures) that can be used as prizes, Kleenix, wipes, and water bottles. |
Leave school on a high-note, knowing that items that would normally end up collecting dust or using up space in your home can be a treasured gift for other youth, adding fun to their summers. | |||||
1.5 million children die every year due to unsafe drinking water. That's one child every 8 seconds. | Develop Your OWN reusable and recyclable bottled water product, or use the anti-bottles above, with proceeds supporting technologies that bring safe water to the world. RandomKid will develop the project with you, cover all upfront costs, and safely set-up communication networks between participating schools and youth groups as desired. This project was started by youth in California and Iowa. Contact water@randomkid.org for more info. | The technologies we are supporting provide direct aid. You can choose where you help, whom you help, and how you help. You can also interact with kids and schools across the USA who share your goals, and pool your money together. | |||||
There are 750,000 homeless people in the USA, living in every community, including yours. | Plant vegetables (all seedlings MAY be provided for no charge--contact us for details) with your community, classmates or other youth. After you grow your produce, you can give it all away to a local homeless shelter. This project was started by Katie Stagliano from South Carolina. Contact gardens@randomkid.org for more info. | Charity begins where your heart is-- why not start in your own backyard? Plus, growing food is green, educational, wholesome and fun! | |||||
There can never be too much kindness in the world. Started by a group of youth from Boston's inner city, this project brings kindness to the forgotten places in your hometown. | We send you flipcams, and a list of random acts of kindness suggested by the previous youth who engaged in this project. You commit these acts of kindness, record them, and upload them to our site. The previous youth will take delight in seeing what you do with their ideas, and leave comments. Then you pass the cameras and your ideas for random acts of kindness to the next group of youth. Contact kindness@randomkid.org for more info. | It's a domino effect--kindness is passed from community to community. At the end, we encourage you to share your videos/stories in an assembly at your school, and end by giving random and unexpected awards to those that engage in unsung kindnesses every day: Your custodians, lunch room servers, the school nurse-- you know who they are. | |||||
Of the 250,000 people injured in the Haiti earthquake, 150,000 lost limbs |
Started by a kid in New York, it’s called “A Step Forward for Haiti”. Kids bring used or new crutches to a central location, where kids gather to paint them with messages of love and encouragement. Artificial limbs are secured by RandomKid. Funds raised are used to ship the items to New Jersey, where they are sent at no cost to HAITI. Contact haiti@randomkid.org for more info. |
It’s artistic expression combined with answering a huge need. This is the single greatest medical problem in Haiti, and with a new limb or crutches, comes a life moved forward. |
This one is about recognizing those who have sacrificed for the fundamental rights and freedoms of all people-- at great personal risk to themselves. For many, they made the greatest sacrifice of all: Their lives. |
Honor American veterans by creating a special tribute. Participants will interview veterans and/or families of veterans in their community, and retell their stories in a video library on the RandomKid website. You get to make the video, too. (We have a few flipcams we can send you to use.) Students may also opt to create photo portraits or photo books of veterans, and display them in a public place within their communities. This project was started by youth in Texas. Contact veterans@randomkid.org for more info. |
Culminates in a docent tour (led by you, your school or your group) of WWI vets who lived well into the new millennium, photographed by David DeJonge. The exhibit comes to you for your community. At the exhibit, you will also share your own videos, stories and photographs of the veterans whose lives and losses you chose to recount. Or your exhibit can be comprised entirely of the stories of vets from your community. |
We can help our soldiers overseas in the most extraordinary way by providing what they long for most: To hear the voices of their loved ones. |
This project is about recycling used cell phones. Did you know that every phone you recycle through any ATT store generates a $5 donation that translates into cell phone minutes for soldiers? Almost everyone has old phones in drawers--now they can be used to make a difference. This project was started by two siblings from Indiana. Contact minutes@randomkid.org for more info. | You can give the greatest gift of all to those that serve--the ability to call home. And while you are at it, you will be recylcing used cell phones, which is a gift to our earth, too. | |||||
Service dogs provide near magical services--from predicting seizures, to detecting cancers, to leading the blind. By allowing inmates to train these dogs, you add one more benefit-- a way for them to generate some good in the world. | RandomKid can help you to brand and sell your own dog tag necklaces to raise the funds for these service dogs. We will provide upfront funds, and help you develop your design ideas. Contact dogtags@randomkid.org for more info. | These service dogs will be trained to help vetertans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, individuals with physical challenges, and law enforcement officials with explosives detection. In the process, you will be helping a segment of our community contribute to the world. (Note: This project can also be used to help fund sending children to college who lost a parent while in service to our nation.) | |||||
By 2030, there will be no glaciers left , and 400,000 square miles of the Arctic sea will have melted. By 2050, we will have wiped out up to 37% of all plant and animal species. We can change this. | You can create how-to/why-to videos posted together in the largest (that's the plan) video library for people learning what they can do to live greener. Contact green@randomkid.org for more info. | You can lead the culture of change toward greener and more sustainable living practices. Work with other youth leaders and kids around the country. | |||||
Nothing heals the earth better or faster than planting trees. Felix Finkbeiner of Germany has a goal of 1 milllion trees planted in every nation. So far, kids have planted more than 3 million trees. | RandomKid will help you brand your own seed packets to sell, and with the proceeds, you can buy young trees to plant throughout your community. Contact trees@randomkid.org for more info. | You can join in the movement to plant a trillion trees for our ailing planet, and have your numbers counted with youth all around the globe. Not to mention, it's a fun way to spend an afternoon. | |||||
1.3 million children around the world are unable to walk due to a correctible condition known as “Club Foot”. | You can walk/run so another can walk/run. You will carry a pedometer that we will provide for you, and you will get people to pledge money for every mile you walk or run. Your goal? To complete a marathon—26.2 miles over any amount of time (not all at once).This project was started by youth in New Jersey and Iowa. Learn more. |
YOU can be personally responsible for helping another child be able to walk!!! Every $260 raised makes it possible for one child to walk. | |||||
There are 200 million orphans in the world, of which only a tiny fraction will ever be adopted. We have to make their lives work where they are. |
Create a HUGE "garage" sale out of the backs of your cars in your school parking lot, selling gently used toys and games that you collect from neighbors, classmates and friends. All or a portion of proceeds can go to fund toy libraries for orphans, and all leftover toys can be given to less privileged youth in your community. This project was started by youth in Seattle. Contact toys@randomkid.org for more info. *Some schools charge a fee for each parking stall, and use those funds to benefit their schools. |
1. It teaches you how to mobilize people and set up a business 2. People in your community can purchase very affordable gifts for others, including the holidays 3. It is environmentally friendly to recycle used toys for others (and cleans out your house) 4.. All funds generated fill toy libraries for orphanages 5. Unsold toys will be given to less privileged youth in your area. |
72 million children in the world are unable to go to school because of poverty and war. Without education, these children have no way to escape to a better future. | Raise funds to build a school in rural Cambodia or Burma by selling book covers and book bags that you design the cover art for. We provide everything you need. This project was started by 70 kids working together from 20 nations. Contact schools@randomkid.org for more info. |
The Asian Bank will match our funds, enabling you to build a school to educate 200-400 kids. Best part: THE KIDS GET TO NAME THE SCHOOL! | |||||
Many thousands of kids in the USA suffer from illnesses, homelessness and hunger. | Throw a party for your friends to support children hospitalized in your area, for your local food pantries or for your homeless shelters. Your guests can select gifts from those charities' wish lists. Contact gifts@randomkid.org for more info. | You can throw a fabulous party more than just on your birthday! Your parties will be all about FUN, FRIENDS, and HELPING others. | |||||
In the U.S.,300,000 people die each year from diabetes-- more than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Alert dogs can be trained to notify diabetics of dangerous blood-sugar drops well before finger-pricks register the change. That interval of time can be the difference between life and death. | Start a circle of pet photos around the walls of your school, starting at the office door on one side, and weaving around the school until it ends on the office door on the opposite site. For students to post photos of their pets (real or imagined), or the pets of others, will cost $3 per photo. Your goal? To complete the loop, providing a child somewhere with their own life-saving alert dog. This project was started by Mark Rinkel from Maryland. Contact alertdogs@randomkid.org for more info. | For $800, you can purchase an alert dog for an at-risk diabetic child, and for every additional $25 raised on top of that, you can have the dog trained. The result? Protecting the life of a child, not to mention removing their constant fear of death. |
13,000 kids in the USA are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them require chemotherapy, which can cause nausea and create sores in their mouths. | Design your own collectible zipper pulls to sell at your schools or through your youth groups. They can be made from acrylic, aluminum or flexible plastic. Each zipper pull in the collection can represent something that you value that relates back to this project. RandomKid will do the legwork to manufacture these products for you. Proceeds from sales will purchase the supplies for carbonated slushie machines for pediatric hospitals that soothe sore mouths and ease nausea.This project was started by youth in Seattle. Contact slushies@randomkid.org for more info. | The ICEE company has generously agreed to provide the slushy machines free of charge to the hospitals you designate. All you are funding are the supplies for one year-- the flavored syrups, cups, and spoons. | |||||
6-8 million pets are in shelters waiting for homes. Of these, half will need to be euthanized. | This is a perfect little project. Have your team bake homemade dog biscuits and cat treats with the kids in your school who have special needs. You can bake with them at their homes, in your home, in your schools, with your youth organization or at your place of worship. Package the goodies up, and everyone can sell them. All the funds raised can go to support animals in your local shelters. Contact biscuits@randomkid.org for more info. | You will not only be providing much needed support to animals without homes, you will also be supporting on often overlooked segment of your community who needs love and connections as much as you do. | |||||
Why? "Because you are the music makers and the dreamers of dreams." |
Here are a links to help you launch: Be sure to review the drop down on the home page for "How It Works". |
Every great thing that has ever happened throughout time and history began with one person. The dreams of today can begin with YOU. |