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In the news

RandomKid makes headlines around the world.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Media often report that RandomKid raised $10 million for Katrina relief in 2005, but this is not correct. RandomKid rallied youth across the USA, in one uber-powerful voice, to report $10 million for Katrina Relief. It wasn't until late 2005 that RandomKid filed to become it's own nonprofit, harnessing youth power for other world issues in response to this unprecendented outcome. Around Katrina, close to 12 million youth unified. Today, RandomKid mobilizes between 50,000-100,000 kids per year around a variety of causes.



March 26, 2012 Tribefest
March 10, 2012 Philanthropy's Child Prodigy
March 10, 2012 World's Youngest Financier?
March 10, 2012 Driving Innovation: Toyota's Mother of Invention
March 10, 2012 Newsweek & The Daliy Beast
March 10th, 2012 Toyota funds RandomKid for Growth
March 1, 2012 Newsweek & The Daily Beast: Women in the World
February 8th, 2012 North Glendale 'Big Idea' Leads to Big Check for St. Louis Children’s Hospital
January 18, 2012 United Nations 10th Anniversary Youth Summit
January 18, 2012 Inspire My Kids
November, 2011 Glamour Amazing Young Woman of the Year
November 11, 2011 THE BIG IDEA: THE BIG RETURN Maxine Clark, Build-a-Bear Workshop, CEB
December, 2011 Kids Dream Big at The Big Return Summit
December, 2011 The Million Minor March
November, 2011 Build-a-Bear Huggable Hero Invites St. Louis Youth to Solve World's Problems
November, 2011 St. Louis Public Radio The Big Return St. Louis

November, 2011

Maxine Clark's Blog about The Big Return in St. Louis
November 2011-March 2012 The Big Return St Louis
June 23, 2011 National Jefferson Award
June 23, 2011 Kerry Kennedy Drags Teen from Warsaw to Le Cirque for Lunch
May 11, 2011 ChangemakHERS
March 6, 2011 Young Presidents Organization
December 2010 TEDxYouthSocialEntrepreneurship
December 2010 Harris Wofford Award
October 26, 2010 Huffington Post:  Greatest Person Of The Day
August 6, 2010
July 23, 2010
June 28, 2010
2010 National Girls Summit in New York, National Conference on Volunteering and Service  Video clip
July 10, 2012 Soroptimist Violet Richardson Award
June 3, 2010
June, 2010
RandomKid Featured in Numerous Commercials throughout June on TNT as part of the L'Oreal Paris "Women of Worth" Program.  Video here
May 30, 2010
RIO DE JANEIRO, May 30, 2010 (IPS) Young People Blurring Borders
December, 2009
December 9, 2009
December, 2009
United Airlines Hemispheres Magazine:  Teen Spirit
December 2, 2009
November, 2009
Not one, but TWO RandomRockStars (see "community") will be carrying the Olympic Torch for the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver!!!  Stevie P and Talia L, Way to GO!!!!!!!
October 22, 2009
March, 2009
Power Magazine:  "Because I Can"
November 23, 2008
Christian Science Monitor:  Kids Embrace the Spirit of Giving
November 16, 2008
New York Times Op/Ed:  Talia for President
November 14, 2008
November 14, 2008
Sinking Spring, PA:  Green Valley Elementary Kids Celebrated as Heroes (includes video)
November 10, 2008
November, 2008
KEWL Magazine puts the spotlight on 13-year-old RandomKid CEO, Talia Leman.
October 28, 2008
October, 2008
October, 2008
September, 2008

Empowering a New Generation of Humanitarians

June, 2008 RandomKid President Anne Ginther interviewed on "Thou Shalt Not Whine"
June, 2008
May, 2008
April, 2008
January 18, 2008
January 15, 2008
RandomKid CEO, 13-year-old Talia, is making her rounds across the country on local and national radio talk shows as one of Build-A-Bear Workshop's Huggable Heroes and their 2008 Spokesperson. Click here for a listing (and links) of her radio appearances.
January 2, 2008
Voice of America:  "Raising Kids Who Care" includes interview with 12-year-old RandomKid CEO Talia.
December 23, 2007
NBC Nightly News:  Making a Difference (about RandomKid's water project).
November 7, 2007
August 31, 2007
August 31, 2007
August 31, 2007
August 30, 2007
ABC7News - San Fracisco-- VIDEO-- Bay Area School Kids Help Village in South Africa
August 29, 2007
August 28, 2007
August 28. 2007
Suwanee, GA--Suwanee Girl Makes Jewelry, Helps Katrina Survivors (when you get to that page, be sure to click on the story about the Suwanee girl)
July, 2007
June, 2007
June, 2007
May 30, 2007
May 14, 2007
May 14, 2007
National Scouts PODCAST:  "Leaders Campfire" #18 -- An interview with RandomKid President, Anne Ginther.
April 25, 2007
April 21, 2007
April 3, 2007

RandomKid Donates MultiMedia Fun Center to Blank Children's Hospital, Plus--A Year in Review

March 28, 2007
February 2, 2007
January 9, 2007
January 2, 2007
December 20-26, 2006

Santa Claus Comes for Konner

Click here and TURN UP YOUR SOUND for a moving slide show created by Rodney White of the Des Moines Register about this miraculous event!

A Christmas for Konner (MSNBC)

Celebration caps effort for Konner

Karlin's Notebook: Sisters Raise Funds For Friend's Family

December 20, 2006

Family Circle Magazine's December Issue:  "To Louisiana With Love," by Paula Chin

Click here to listen to a piece that aired on NPR in different parts of the nation, or here to read the text.

Slidell Picayune, "Sister, brother are honored for efforts to aid rebuilding"

St. Tammany, LA:  Random Kids with Holiday Gifts for the Gulf

Mayor of Slidell names the day after them!

November 6, 2006
November 6, 2006
August 24, 2006
August 23, 2006
December 02, 2005
More historical links to be added soon!  Just try Googling "RandomKid" -- be sure to check for news and blogs! 
